New Gate Entry System
July 3, 2021
Highway 18 Fully OPEN 1/21/22!
December 24, 2021Hamiltair has had an increase in Golf Cart Rules violations and a recent accident & injury no less. The Board of Directors has voted for a new fine schedule to ensure all residents & their guests safety is being reasonably observed.
- Hamiltair Member hosting golf carts are responsible for their use & fines
- A valid Driver’s License is required to drive
- Reckless driving or unlicensed drivers will be required to park, keys will be confiscated by security, and fines issued
- Vehicle keys can be claimed at the gate Security Office with proof of insurance, ownership, and full payment of fines (signed statement by owner of insurance & ownership suffices as well)
- 1st Offense written, 2nd $500, 3rd in-person meeting with the Board to determine fine, a multiple of 2nd offense fine (failure to appear incurs an additional $1000 fine)
The Board of Directors written summary appears below as well.
Thank you,
HPOA Board of Directors